Monthly Archives: May 2015


Well, I’ve learned more than 5 things, but if I was going to write them ALL down I would have to write a whole book! (and maybe I will, but for now I have other books to write and deadlines and stuff!)

So here are 5 things I’ve learned, which I’ve also shared on my Facebook page HERE.

1. You’re going to get bad reviews, even if your book is awesome. You can’t please everyone so don’t let the negative reviews get you down.
2. Don’t be afraid to write about things you’re afraid to write about! These often make the best books because of the emotion behind them, especially if you’ve drawn on your own personal experience.
3. Be YOU. Don’t try to write like someone else, use your authentic voice. It may not appeal to everyone but when you find those readers who ‘get you’ it is very rewarding.
4. If you have a book inside you urging to be written, whether fiction or memoir or non-fiction, don’t put it off till ‘one day’. Start now. Don’t let your words die unspoken, share your unique insight with others. Most authors didn’t have time to write but they made time – getting up earlier, staying up late (me), letting go of something less important like watching TV (also me), or just jotting down words for 5 minutes here and there.
5. Let go of perfectionism. You need to make your book as good and polished as it can be, but the reality is that there is always room for improvement and this refining process can go on forever. A book is made to be read. Don’t let it gather dust waiting till it’s perfect. Sometimes perfection is simply completing something, deciding you’ve done your best, and putting it out into the world.

Now get writing or else!!! 😉

~ Juliet xo


COVER REVEAL, I mean… COVER REVEALS! (and good news)

That’s right, I have TWO covers to reveal!

Books 2 and 3 in THE DELTA GIRLS, my Young Adult series launching July 14.

Each book will be available in ebook and paperback, and…drumroll…AUDIO! I was so excited to find out that the series will be made into audiobooks and available for download from Audible, Amazon, or iTunes. 🙂

I will share the plot descriptions as soon as they are finalised, but for now, enjoy these amazing covers:



And just because, here is the cover again for Book 1:

Sight_cover LARGE

~ Juliet

PS – If you haven’t already, come and join me on Facebook at my author page and/or my Delta Girls page. 🙂