Monthly Archives: June 2015

The Magic of Tarrin’s Bay…

Today I’m sharing an interview I did about my Tarrin’s Bay series, in which I discuss writing about difficult topics, whether my characters are based on real people, and why Tarrin’s Bay is such a magical place for people to start a new beginning.

You can read the interview HERE.

You can also read Suze’s review of my latest Tarrin’s Bay novel MIRACLE IN MARCH, here’s a snippet… “I think the way Juliet Madison describes Jackson’s autism is really beautiful. The same can be said about how she handles other difficult topics in the story. She writes about them with such care and compassion and the feelings she describes are spot-on.” Read more HERE.

And if you haven’t yet started reading the bestselling Tarrin’s Bay series, you can read the currently available three books in any order, but if you prefer to follow in sequence, here are the links:

  • THE JANUARY WISH* ~ a sweet, emotional contemporary romance about the pleasures of making a wish and seeing it come true.
  • FEBRUARY OR FOREVER ~ What if your favourite celebrity fell in love with you?
  • MIRACLE IN MARCH ~ She took a break from real life, and found what she didn’t know she was looking for.

*The January Wish is also available in paperback as part of the 3-in-1 anthology TIME FOR THE BEACH.

Happy reading, and I hope you have a magical day! 🙂

~ Juliet xo

The town of new beginnings-3

The Adults Colouring Book Craze! (and my special news)

If you’re in the book industry or are a fan of colouring books or art for relaxation and creativity, and even if you aren’t, you may have noticed that colouring books for adults are taking over the bestsellers lists! More and more are popping up as people discover (or rediscover) the joy of getting out coloured pencils, markers, and pens and trying to stay between the lines!

Johanna Basford’s intricately illustrated books, Secret Garden and Enchanted Forest in particular have done very well, Secret Garden having sold well over one million copies since its release. You can read more about her success in this article on the NY Times.

I have both these beautiful books, and here is the result of my foray into colouring one of the pages!


Not only have I been colouring, but I’ve been drawing. I have an art background and often thought (and wished) I could make more time to return to creating artworks, as it is such a relaxing and rewarding pursuit.

Well, I have news… Now I HAVE to make time for it, because I have recently accepted a book deal with US publisher Sourcebooks for my own adults colouring book! *happydance*

You can read the deal announcement HERE. (the title mentioned has now been changed)

To sum it up, it is an inspirational colouring book, titled COLOR YOUR DREAMS! Each drawing is based around a particular positive word or theme, and contains not only unique hand-illustrated designs to colour, but written activity pages for each theme was well. So if you are wanting to attract more abundance into your life, there will be an abundance page to colour accompanied by empowering activities to do related to that theme, and the same for other themes such as wellbeing, love, wisdom, etc. It’s like a colouring book and self-help book in one! I’m so excited to be combining 3 of my passions into one book – art, words, and self-empowerment.

I’m busily drawing more of the pages, and can’t wait till I can show you some of the designs. The book is scheduled for release in early 2016, so to keep updated make sure you subscribe to this blog or my email newsletter, and follow me on Facebook.

>>You can also join my COLOR YOUR DREAMS group on Facebook! Share your creations, chat with others, and get updates on the book and illustrations and contests, HERE.

In the meantime, why not get into the colouring book craze if you haven’t already and check out the many great books available in bookstores and online now! And if you like, tweet me your completed colouring artworks at @Juliet_Madison and I’ll retweet them. 🙂

Sign up for THE DELTA GIRLS blog tour!

‘Me, My Shelf and I’ in conjunction with my publisher Diversion Books are organising a blog tour for the first book in my YA Delta Girls series, SIGHT.

If you have a blog and would like to be considered for one of the 7 available slots to review the book and host a spot for the official blog tour, please fill out the sign up form HERE. Sign-ups close June 17th.

And if you’re not one of the 7 selected but would still like to review the book, it is available by approval on Netgalley, and will be released for sale on July 14 in print, ebook, and audio.

*If you’d like to take part in a release day blitz on July 14 or 15 and share the cover, blurb/description, links, etc on your blog, feel free to extract the details from the following page, and let me know so I can promote your blog. 🙂

Thanks for your support!
