Monthly Archives: June 2012


My friend Efthalia has bestowed a tag on me in her fun post, “The Lucky Seven.”

The challenge: Post seven lines from an unpublished work of fiction.

My current WIP Fast Forward is a humorous women’s fiction story, centred around aspiring supermodel Kelli Crawford who wakes on her twenty-fifth birthday to find she’s a fifty year old housewife married to the high school nerd. In this scene she is meeting her husband for the first time, having just discovered her unfortunate reflection in the mirror.

The Golden Rules:

  • Go to page 7 or 77 in your current manuscript
  • Go to line 7
  • Post on your blog or Facebook page the next 7 lines, or sentences, as they are – no cheating
  • Tag 7 other authors to do the same

Extract: FAST FORWARD, Page 7, line 7:

“Okay, okay. I just wanted to make sure you were alright. And wish my wife a happy birthday of course.” He leaned in for a kiss but I pushed him off, horror overtaking me.

Wife? I’m not his wife, and he’s certainly not my husband! Grant is supposed to be my husband. Well, after tonight’s inevitable proposal that is. Oh God, tonight! My birthday party. I can’t go looking like this!

A high-pitched jingling sound interrupted my thoughts and the man made a strange movement; pinching his watch with his thumb and forefinger and appearing to pull some invisible strand to his ear.


© Juliet Madison 2012.


And the seven lucky nominees are –

Alli Sinclair

Diane Curran

Susan Child

Jenn J Mcleod

Imelda Evans

Kez Ptolemy

Nicola Marsh

I look forward to reading your seven lines if you choose to participate!

Don’t forget to post it in my comments then on your own blog with your seven lucky choices. 🙂

Rachael Johns Answers Juliet’s Ten Awkward Author Questions!

In this segment, authors will be subjected to a list of awkward questions that may reveal more about themselves than they really wish to share, and they will receive a score on the ‘Braveometer’. If they choose to answer only five questions, they are a ‘Brave Author’, if they answer 6 to 9 questions they are a ‘Mega-Brave Author’, and if they answer all 10 questions they are an ‘Ultra-Brave Author’!

Today I’d like to welcome Rachael Johns, who has a new book out called JILTED! She is also giving away a copy of this book to one lucky commentor (Australia/NZ only).

1. If only one of your books could have been / could be published, which one would you choose? (C’mon, I don’t want to hear ‘Oh, I love them all, there’s no way I could choose.’ Time to be ruthless, these are the Ten Awkward Questions after all!)

JILTED without a doubt. I love ONE PERFECT NIGHT but JILTED is a bigger book and was my fairy dust book in many ways. I can honestly say it almost wrote itself. Wish another one would do that.

2. Okay, now which one of your children/family members would you… nah, just kidding! Which of the following words most accurately describes your best personality trait (you must pick only one!):

Punctual. Good listener. Neat.  Graceful. Generous. Cheerful.

Cheerful! Definitely. I’ve even been told I smile TOO much 🙂

3. Which of the following words most accurately describes your worst most challenging personality trait (even if you’re perfect, you must pick one):

Always late. Blabbermouth. Slob. Complete klutz. Scrooge. Grumpy pants.

Oh dear… I think I’m gonna have to go with SLOB! Not because I want to be this way but between kids, writing and the shop, my house and housework severely suffer.

4. Have you ever had a romantic crush on one of your characters? Who and why?

I LOVE a tortured hero and I think all my heroes have a little bit of torture in them. So, I have to be really naff and say I love them all. I’m jealous of the heroines and hopefully that comes across on the page!

5. When writing an important scene, do you act it out to allow you to better describe what’s happening?

Nope – which is bizarre, cos I’m an English teacher with a minor in DRAMA. I am very guilty of talking to myself though and have been known to talk through scenes or at least the dialogue.

6. Do you talk to yourself when writing or coming up with plot ideas?

Whoops – I think I just answered that above. YES!!!

7. Who would be ideal to play YOU in a movie of your life?

Renee Zellweger but possibly only her character from Bridget Jones 🙂

8. If you could be any book character for one day, who would you be and why?

I’d be Hermione from Harry Potter because a) I’d really impress my sons and b) I could do magic spells!

9. You’re about to be left on a deserted island for a year, and while your basic food and water needs will be met, you can only bring one extra thing from the following. Which would you choose?

a) A pen and notepad that never runs out

b) An unlimited supply of books

c) An unlimited supply of chocolate, coffee, or alcohol (your choice)

d) A gorgeous man/woman depending on your preference

An unlimited supply of Diet Coke (runs for cover from Juliet)!

10. If you had the attention of the whole world for two minutes what would you say?

Live life like there’s no tomorrow and also like you’ve still got forever. Take the time to listen and always smile 🙂

Thanks for participating, Rachael. You have been awarded ‘Ultra Brave Author’ status on the Braveometer!

You can visit Rachael online at her website, blog, facebook, and twitter.

>>To WIN a copy of JILTED, leave a comment below (Australia/NZ only)!

*Winner will be drawn Tues 12th June and has one week to respond to the email notification or another winner will be chosen. Good luck!

WINNERS of Mouthwatering May prizes!

I’d like to say a BIG thank you to everyone who participated in my Mouthwatering May blog special event – all the contributing authors and guests for sharing their writing excerpts, recipes, and life experiences, and everyone who took time to read the posts and leave a comment. Thanks for making May 2012 my biggest month ever on the blog!

Just out of interest, the most popular post for the month (which had the most views), was Sunday Lunch with Jenn J McLeod. Yay Jenn! If you missed any of the other great posts, click on the Mouthwatering May category on the side menu.

And now for the winners… drumroll….

The winners of a copy of Meredith Mileti’s book, Aftertaste, are:

Rebecca Raisin



Congratulations girls, I hope you enjoy the book. And thanks to Meredith for giving away her book 🙂


The winner of the Paris book-box containing chocolates and sticky notes is:


Congratulations Emmeline, I hope you enjoy your prize 🙂


The winner of a copy of the book, Georgia’s Kitchen is:


Congrats Imelda, hope you enjoy it 🙂



And lastly, the winner of a copy of Georgia’s Kitchen and some Coco truffle chocolates is:

Rachael Johns!

Congrats Rachael, I KNOW you’ll enjoy the prize 🙂

And Rachael will be on my blog tomorrow, answering my Ten Awkward Questions, so make sure you check it out!


So there you have it, my first ever blog special event is now over. It was fun, I hope you enjoyed it too, and stay tuned for more blog special events in the future.