Monthly Archives: December 2011

Imogene Nix answers Juliet’s Ten Awkward Author Questions

In this new segment, authors will be subjected to a list of awkward questions that may reveal more about themselves than they really wish to share, and they will receive a score on the ‘Braveometer’. If they choose to answer only five questions, they are a ‘Brave Author’, if they answer 6 to 9 questions they are a ‘Mega-Brave Author’, and if they answer all 10 questions they are an ‘Ultra-Brave Author’!

Today I’d like to welcome Imogene Nix to the blog!

1. If only one of your books could have been / could be published, which one would you choose? (C’mon, I don’t want to hear ‘Oh, I love them all, there’s no way I could choose.’ Time to be ruthless, these are the Ten Awkward Questions after all!)

Well to be honest of all the ones I have written, I really have a thing for Starfire (Second in the Warriors of the Elector series.) It still needs editing, but I just love Jems character because, to be frank, she is a bitch at the beginning because it is the only way she knows how to cope.


2. Okay, now which one of your children/family members would you… nah, just kidding! Which of the following words most accurately describes your best personality trait (you must pick only one!): Punctual. Good listener. Neat. Graceful. Generous. Cheerful.

I think of them all I am a reasonably good listener. Neatness is NOT my best point, and I do get crabby and cranky, and punctuality went out the door years ago.


3. Which of the following words most accurately describes your worst most challenging personality trait (even if you’re perfect, you must pick one): Always late. Blabbermouth. Slob. Complete klutz. Scrooge. Grumpy pants.

Grumpy Pants (just ask my husband.)


4. Have you ever had a romantic crush on one of your characters? Who and why?

No. Mainly because I would rather spend my time with my husband 😀 (And no, not crawling 🙂 )


5. When writing an important scene, do you act it out to allow you to better describe what’s happening?

Sometimes, it depends on the scenes. Some of the fight scenes I actually get my daughters to play the opposite.


6. Do you talk to yourself when writing or coming up with plot ideas?

Again, sometimes. But I have to be honest, there are some very blush-worthy scenes and I am so pleased no one is around sometimes. 🙂


7. Who would be ideal to play YOU in a movie of your life?

Me? I don’t know that anyone could….I would love to say Dame Judy Dench, but I would probably be kidding myself 🙂


8. If you could be any book character for one day, who would you be and why?

Eve Dallas. She is so seriously strong, but has funny takes on how the world works. I would love to see the world she lives in. Seedy, dirty and bloody, but interesting. Very Dichotomous.


9. You’re about to be left on a deserted island for a year, and while your basic food and water needs will be met, you can only bring one extra thing from the following. Which would you choose?

a) A pen and notepad that never runs out

b) An unlimited supply of books

c) An unlimited supply of chocolate, coffee, or alcohol (your choice)

d) A gorgeous man/woman depending on your preference

An unlimited supply of chocolate, coffee, or alcohol.

No brainer….especially if I couldn’t put on weight or have a hangover.


10. If you had the attention of the whole world for two minutes what would you say?

Romance is not bad. It helps to make you feel happy and give you hope. Keep reading those books!

Visit Imogene at her website, 


Congratulations Imogene, you scored Ultra-Brave Author on the Braveometer!

Helene Young Answers ‘Juliet’s Ten Awkward Author Questions’ (& Giveaway!)

In this new segment, authors will be subjected to a list of awkward questions that may reveal more about themselves than they really wish to share, and they will receive a score on the ‘Braveometer’. If they choose to answer only five questions, they are a ‘Brave Author’, if they answer 6 to 9 questions they are a ‘Mega-Brave Author’, and if they answer all 10 questions they are an ‘Ultra-Brave Author’!

Today I’d like to welcome romantic suspense author Helene Young, who has kindly offerred to give away a copy of Shattered Sky to one lucky commentor!

1. If only one of your books could have been / could be published, which one would you choose? (C’mon, I don’t want to hear ‘Oh, I love them all, there’s no way I could choose.’ Time to be ruthless, these are the Ten Awkward Questions after all!)

Oh no… that’s traitorous not awkward 🙂 Ok I’ve hardened up – Wings of Fear because it’s subject matter is so dear to my heart.

2. Okay, now which one of your children/family members would you… nah, just kidding! Which of the following words most accurately describes your best personality trait (you must pick only one!): Punctual. Good listener. Neat.  Graceful. Generous. Cheerful.

Hmm… Can I add one of my own? You don’t have obsessive there! No? Ok I’ll go with punctual then because no one wants their pilot to be late 🙂

3. Which of the following words most accurately describes your worst most challenging personality trait (even if you’re perfect, you must pick one): Always late. Blabbermouth. Slob. Complete klutz. Scrooge. Grumpy pants.

Go with complete klutz… My husband used to call me Frank after Frank Spencer in Some Mothers do ‘Ave em…

4. Have you ever had a romantic crush on one of your characters? Who and why?   

Oh yes, all of them are serious crushes but Ryan in Burning Lies is my most debilitating crush. I didn’t want his story to end.

5. When writing an important scene, do you act it out to allow you to better describe what’s happening? 

No, but I read the dialogue aloud and I have been known to try kissing my husband in unusual embraces, normally to poor effect.

6. Do you talk to yourself when writing or coming up with plot ideas?

Yep, and I pull faces! Not good if I’m in a coffee shop or airport lounge… Probably look quite deranged.

7. Who would be ideal to play YOU in a movie of your life?

Can I have Judy Dench or or Helen Mirren?

8. If you could be any book character for one day, who would you be and why?

Lily from Phillipa Fioretti’s book The Book of Love. I’d get to wear vintage dresses, float around in a dreamy haze, eat luscious jam and have gorgeous men fall at my feet.

9. You’re about to be left on a deserted island for a year, and while your basic food and water needs will be met, you can only bring one extra thing from the following. Which would you choose?

a) A pen and notepad that never runs out

b) An unlimited supply of books

c) An unlimited supply of chocolate, coffee, or alcohol (your choice)

d) A gorgeous man/woman depending on your preference

Easy, a) Pen and notepad because then I can create the gorgeous man, write my own stories and be forceably weaned off my caffeine addiction.

10. If you had the attention of the whole world for two minutes what would you say?

Can you lot be a bit more tolerant of each other? If you don’t like someone then stay away from them. Don’t get in their face and starting shouting! Sharing is good. Spread the love. 🙂

Thanks Helene! Helene’s website is here.

WIN! To be in the running for a copy of Shattered Sky (must be in Australia), comment below and tell us who YOU think should play Helene in a movie of her life. Prize will be drawn on Monday 12th December.

If you’d like to buy a signed copy for a Christmas present, or just for yourself, contact Helene.

Helene’s books are now available on Kindle too! Check them out here.

And now for Helene’s award…(drumroll)… Helene, you are an ‘Ultra-Brave Author’!!

Tracy Sumner answers ‘Juliet’s Ten Awkward Author Questions’

In this new segment, authors will be subjected to a list of awkward questions that may reveal more about themselves than they really wish to share, and they will receive a score on the ‘Braveometer’. If they choose to answer only five questions, they are a ‘Brave Author’, if they answer 6 to 9 questions they are a ‘Mega-Brave Author’, and if they answer all 10 questions they are an ‘Ultra-Brave Author’!

Today I’d like to welcome Tracy Sumner to take the challenge! And if you’d like to win two of Tracy’s ebooks, plus go into the draw to win a kindle at the end of her blog tour, make sure you leave a comment!

1. If only one of your books could have been / could be published, which one would you choose? (C’mon, I don’t want to hear ‘Oh, I love them all, there’s no way I could choose.’ Time to be ruthless, these are the Ten Awkward Questions after all!)

Easy answer for me! Tides of Love. Backstory: Tides of Love was written first. Brother: Noah Garrett. Tides of Passion followed: Zach Garrett. Why Tides of Love if I had to choose one.? Well, Noah Garrett is MY type of hero. He’s a marine biologist, Outer Banks, 1898. He lives a controlled life until her meets Elle. Tides of Love is just MY book. That’s all I can say.

2. Okay, now which one of your children/family members would you… nah, just kidding! Which of the following words most accurately describes your best personality trait (you must pick only one!): Punctual. Good listener. Neat.  Graceful. Generous. Cheerful.



3. Which of the following words most accurately describes your worst most challenging personality trait (even if you’re perfect, you must pick one): Always late. Blabbermouth. Slob. Complete klutz. Scrooge. Grumpy pants.

Blabbermouth. I’m always late, too!


4. Have you ever had a romantic crush on one of your characters? Who and why?

See answer #1. Noah Garrett. Though I love my heros! All of them!


5. When writing an important scene, do you act it out to allow you to better describe what’s happening?

NO. I think I’d feel foolish even if I was alone. Though I do act them out a lot in my mind. Does that count? 🙂


6. Do you talk to yourself when writing or coming up with plot ideas?

I talk to myself all the time. And I start conversations in the middle of a sentence/thought with others. Odd.


7. Who would be ideal to play YOU in a movie of your life?

Maybe Sandra Bullock? How about Angelina Jolie!


8. If you could be any book character for one day, who would you be and why?

Scarlett O’Hara. Our personalities are similar. I’m a feisty southerner. And Rhett Butler was an awesome hero!


9. You’re about to be left on a deserted island for a year, and while your basic food and water needs will be met, you can only bring one extra thing from the following. Which would you choose?

a) A pen and notepad that never runs out

b) An unlimited supply of books

c) An unlimited supply of chocolate, coffee, or alcohol (your choice)

d) A gorgeous man/woman depending on your preference

B. I’m assuming I at least have water or I’d pick C. I’ll go with B; I think any man would get annoying after so much contained togetherness! Even if he was hot.


10. If you had the attention of the whole world for two minutes what would you say?

ADOPT DON’T SHOP. SPAY/NEUTER. Then, I might have a few seconds left over to talk about my books! Promo!




Tides of Passion:


Tracy’s story telling career began when she picked up a copy of LaVyrle Spencer’s Vows on a college beach trip. A journalism degree and a thousand romance novels later, she decided to try her hand at writing a southern version of the perfect love story. With a great deal of luck and more than a bit of perseverance, she sold her first novel to Kensington Publishing.

When not writing sensual stories featuring complex characters and lush settings, Tracy can be found reading romance, snowboarding, watching college football and figuring out how she can get to 100 countries before she kicks (which is a more difficult endeavor than it used to be with her four-year-old son in tow). She lives in Charlotte, NC, but after spending a few years in “the city”, considers herself a New Yorker at heart.

Tracy has been awarded the National Reader’s Choice, the Write Touch and the Beacon – with finalist nominations in the HOLT Medallion, Heart of Romance, Rising Stars and Reader’s Choice. Her books have been translated into German, Dutch, Portuguese and Spanish. She loves hearing from readers about why she tends to pit her hero and heroine against each other and that great novel she simply must order in five seconds on her Kindle.



WIN! Two commenters will be chosen by for two eBooks each! TIDES OF PASSIONand TIDES OF LOVE! And all the commenters will go in the grand draw of a Kindle at the end of this tour! For further stops in this tour, please check the Author Page.


Thanks Tracy for taking part, you have been awarded ‘Ultra-Brave Author’ status on the Braveometer!