Monthly Archives: June 2011

Don’t Just Write What You Know, Write What You Care About

This is one of my favourite bits of writing advice, and as soon as I read those simple words in Donald Maass’ book, ‘Writing the Breakout Novel’, I grabbed my trusty pink highlighter and slid it across the page. Mostly because I liked the advice, and partly because I love highlighting things! (I love the smooth feel as they glide along the page, and the colours you can get these days are gorgeous! But I’ll save that discussion for some other self-indulgent blog post, perhaps about stationary addiction).

It is SO important to write what you care about, because as Donald says, ‘If you don’t care, why should anyone else?’

Don’t write something just because you think it’s popular, or there’s a gap in the market. You have to like and care about what you’re writing in order to enjoy it and do it for the long haul.

This advice got me thinking about what I care about, and why I have written about certain topics.  In my novel, The Life Makeover Club, I’ve written about women getting a chance to create the life they always wanted. I care about people being able to enjoy their lives and do the things they’re passionate about, rather than feeling like they’re stuck in a rut, or trapped in a life that isn’t what they want. Too many people settle for second best, or say ‘this is just my lot in life’, without thinking or taking action towards making their life better. Sure, there are some things that can’t be changed, but a lot can be, and probably one of the most important things you can change is your attitude.

My novel also explores motherhood, and how to be a good mother while still keeping your own identity – something I know many mothers struggle with. I’ve also highlighted (there I go again!) the humourous side to motherhood, as daily parenting can bring with it both challenging and funny moments, and sometimes you just have to laugh!

Another thing I care about creating awareness of is the often silent ‘emotional abuse’ in some relationships. Domestic violence gets a lot of press, and rightly so, but those suffering in an emotionally abusive relationship often suffer in silence because it is not seen, and the affected partner can feel like they are making a big deal out of nothing, or that maybe they are just too sensitive. I wanted to show a character going through this and finding the strength to come through it; to say ‘I don’t have to put up with this.’

Other themes, issues, and topics I care about, and are writing or plan to write about in future are:

– reconnecting with family

– personal empowerment

– trusting your intuition

– the reality of autism and the gifts it can provide

– the importance of being proactive with your health

– remembering and celebrating life’s little pleasures

– the need for a ‘place to call home’

– the valued role of grandparents

– thinking outside the box – ‘What if?’

– entrepreneurship

– accepting people as individuals

– the valuable role of ‘the arts’ in our lives

– second chances, persistence, never giving up

– miracles

What about you?

What do you care about?

What are you inspired to write or read about?