Monthly Archives: March 2015


Today is the release day for my 8th book – my 8th book on the 8th of the month, how appropriate! MIRACLE IN MARCH is the 3rd book in my bestselling Tarrin’s Bay series. It is also a stand-alone story, so if you haven’t read the first two it doesn’t matter, you can start with this one if you really want to! But if you’d like to read the first two you can grab them here:



Miracle in March is about a single father with an autistic son, and is a story close to my heart, with my own son being on the autism spectrum. It is also about Emma, the woman who broke his heart, and what happens when they are unexpectedly reunited five years later. I’ve been told that tissues are required for this one! I sure kept Kleenex in business while writing the book! 😉

Here’s the official blurb:

MiracleInMarchV2-Harlequin1920_1920x3022A new Tarrin’s Bay novel from best-selling author Juliet Madison. She took a break from real life, and found what she didn’t know she was looking for.

Emma had plans, travel plans, going-far-away plans, but her family means everything to her, so when they needed help, she was there to deliver it. Running the family business of beachside cabins in Tarrin’s Bay might not be the same as the French Riviera, but Emma finds a certain level of peace in the beautiful setting and small town community.

But when she finds that her ex-boyfriend, a man she left behind without explanation, staying in one of the cabins, her peace is ruined. She knows the only way to get it back is to share the secret she’s been hiding for five years, and admit to him the limitations that she now carries. But James has his own truths to share, and he’s not the man that Emma once knew.

They are both in very different places than before, but it’s a time for renewal and second chances when their reunion brings secrets to the surface, dreams to be remembered, and the realisation that they are both in need of a little miracle.

MIRACLE IN MARCH is published in ebook by Escape Publishing and is available from all ebook retailers worldwide. If you haven’t read ebooks before you can download a free reading app to read on smartphones, tablets, iPads, or computers, from the various links below. If you have iTunes you can download iBooks from the app store and purchase through your iTunes account, or Amazon has a Kindle app.

Buy NOW:

Amazon / Amazon Aus / iTunes/iBooks / Amazon UK / Kobo / Nook/B&N / Google Play / Booktopia / All Romance / Big W ebooks / JB Hi-Fi


TFTBI’m giving away a signed copy of my print release, TIME FOR THE BEACH, which includes the first story in the Tarrin’s Bay series, THE JANUARY WISH. It also includes two other stories by Victoria Purman and Eliza Redgold, so you get 3-in-1 coastal reads!

Contest is open worldwide and I will draw the winner on Monday 16th March.

Enter via Rafflecopter link >>  a Rafflecopter giveaway

I hope you enjoy MIRACLE IN MARCH! If you do, please consider rating it on Amazon or Goodreads and/or writing a brief review, and remember to tell your friends! 😉

So tell me, have you experienced a miracle in your life? Comment below and let me know, or tell me the best thing that’s ever happened to you… (this is one way to enter the giveaway above)

Ever been starstruck? Enjoy this excerpt from STARSTRUCK IN SEATTLE

1013 Starstruck In Seattle_1400My novella STARSTRUCK IN SEATTLE is currently an Amazon Kindle Monthly Deal which means it’s on special and you can get it for about a dollar! Bargain 😉

Buy from HERE.

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Please enjoy this excerpt below, where the main character Anna writes a letter to intuitive love coach Lulu The Love Angel…

Subject: I need your help
Dear Lulu,
I can’t believe I’m actually writing this letter, but your advice would be greatly appreciated. I’ve heard you’re the go-to person to help bring soulmates together and I hope you’ll be able to help me connect with mine.
A psychic once told me my soulmate’s name begins with K, and I think I’ve found him. We’ve been working together as actors for six months, but his role’s more important and we hardly get a chance to speak together privately. Every time we pass each other at work, every time he smiles at me, every time we chat about the upcoming twists in the script, I feel so alive. I’ve never felt this strongly about anyone before, it’s like there’s an invisible cord connecting us. Should I wait for him to make the first move or take a risk and ask him out?
The thing is; I don’t have much time. My contract will be up in a few weeks. I’ll have to find another job and I don’t want to waste the time I have left. How can I show my interest without looking desperate and blending in with the other women falling at his feet? And do you agree with the psychic – does my soulmate’s name begin with a K?

Many thanks,
Star Struck in Seattle

Subject: Re: I need your help
Dear Star Struck in Seattle,
Thank you for having the courage to write your letter and faith in me to guide you toward the love you deserve.
Firstly, you must believe yourself worthy of true love, and treat yourself with the respect you would want another to treat you with. Don’t settle for second best, don’t put yourself down, and don’t sacrifice your deepest desires to please another. All happy relationships come from a happy relationship with oneself.
In answer to your question about whether to ask K out, I feel if you choose to do so you would be met with a ‘yes’, but I also feel it is best to hold off. I believe a proposition is coming your way very soon, and you need to remain open and aware of ALL possibilities.
My advice is to put yourself out there and don’t be afraid of judgment or rejection. Be proactive about seeking other work and trust that in good time all things will conspire in your favor. True love is on its way, but you need to listen to and trust your intuition. It will lead you in the right direction. Also remember: you will know you are with your soulmate when you can simply be yourself. Your soulmate will bring the best out in you. They will enhance the beauty and uniqueness already there. True love will make you feel like the best version of yourself is shining bright.

Lastly, I’d like to leave you with a Love Quote chosen especially for you:
“The eyes see only in front, the heart sees all around. Use your ‘heart-vision’ to guide you.”
P.S. Your psychic was right. Your soulmate’s name does begin with the letter K.

Lulu clicked ‘send’ and smiled. She opened a new message window, filled in the details of her mission, and sent it to New Angel HQ on Cloud Eight and Three Quarters. If this and subsequent missions went well, she’d be upgraded to Cloud Nine in no time.

Lulu rubbed her hands together as her red laptop hummed softly. Bringing soulmates together would be so rewarding and she was excited about her first day on the job. Even more excited knowing that one day, if she proved herself capable; she’d join the graduates on Cloud Nine and be responsible for saving people’s lives when death tried to take them before their time. For now, though, she needed to practice her skills and do her best to help destiny get things right in the love department.

Ooh, this is going to be fun!

She closed her laptop and slid it inside its protective satchel, placing it next to her ‘ready-to-go-at-a-moment’s-notice’ suitcase. With a quick breath she snuffed the flames on the dining table candles and picked up Spark, her snow-colored Maltese terrier, from his curled-up position on the sofa. He moaned at the intrusion, but promptly fell back to sleep after Lulu guided him inside the doggie carry-case. “Time for a little trip, Spark.” Lulu crouched, her long brown curls coiling on the floor as she secured the clasp on the carry case. “You and I are off to Seattle.”

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