Beginner to Bestseller! How To Write A Page-Turning Novel…

From first page to first book deal, bestselling author Juliet Madison will show you how to craft a page-turning novel in any genre, and how to get it out into the world, so you can go from…


>> “I loved Juliet’s Beginner to Bestseller workshop. It was engaging and incredibly informative and before I knew it, I was floating out the door with a huge smile on my face and the confidence to keep writing. Juliet is authentic, experienced, and generous with her knowledge. She makes you feel like your dream is completely within reach, and provides all the tools you need to get there. I can’t recommend this workshop enough!” – Samantha


This past in-person workshop will soon be becoming an online course! To register your interest and receive notification as soon as the course is available, please submit the form below…