Today is the release day for my 8th book – my 8th book on the 8th of the month, how appropriate! MIRACLE IN MARCH is the 3rd book in my bestselling Tarrin’s Bay series. It is also a stand-alone story, so if you haven’t read the first two it doesn’t matter, you can start with this one if you really want to! But if you’d like to read the first two you can grab them here:



Miracle in March is about a single father with an autistic son, and is a story close to my heart, with my own son being on the autism spectrum. It is also about Emma, the woman who broke his heart, and what happens when they are unexpectedly reunited five years later. I’ve been told that tissues are required for this one! I sure kept Kleenex in business while writing the book! 😉

Here’s the official blurb:

MiracleInMarchV2-Harlequin1920_1920x3022A new Tarrin’s Bay novel from best-selling author Juliet Madison. She took a break from real life, and found what she didn’t know she was looking for.

Emma had plans, travel plans, going-far-away plans, but her family means everything to her, so when they needed help, she was there to deliver it. Running the family business of beachside cabins in Tarrin’s Bay might not be the same as the French Riviera, but Emma finds a certain level of peace in the beautiful setting and small town community.

But when she finds that her ex-boyfriend, a man she left behind without explanation, staying in one of the cabins, her peace is ruined. She knows the only way to get it back is to share the secret she’s been hiding for five years, and admit to him the limitations that she now carries. But James has his own truths to share, and he’s not the man that Emma once knew.

They are both in very different places than before, but it’s a time for renewal and second chances when their reunion brings secrets to the surface, dreams to be remembered, and the realisation that they are both in need of a little miracle.

MIRACLE IN MARCH is published in ebook by Escape Publishing and is available from all ebook retailers worldwide. If you haven’t read ebooks before you can download a free reading app to read on smartphones, tablets, iPads, or computers, from the various links below. If you have iTunes you can download iBooks from the app store and purchase through your iTunes account, or Amazon has a Kindle app.

Buy NOW:

Amazon / Amazon Aus / iTunes/iBooks / Amazon UK / Kobo / Nook/B&N / Google Play / Booktopia / All Romance / Big W ebooks / JB Hi-Fi


TFTBI’m giving away a signed copy of my print release, TIME FOR THE BEACH, which includes the first story in the Tarrin’s Bay series, THE JANUARY WISH. It also includes two other stories by Victoria Purman and Eliza Redgold, so you get 3-in-1 coastal reads!

Contest is open worldwide and I will draw the winner on Monday 16th March.

Enter via Rafflecopter link >>  a Rafflecopter giveaway

I hope you enjoy MIRACLE IN MARCH! If you do, please consider rating it on Amazon or Goodreads and/or writing a brief review, and remember to tell your friends! 😉

So tell me, have you experienced a miracle in your life? Comment below and let me know, or tell me the best thing that’s ever happened to you… (this is one way to enter the giveaway above)

About Juliet Madison

Humorous & Heartwarming Fiction ~ Experience the magic of life and love...

Posted on March 8, 2015, in Announcements, Books and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 13 Comments.

  1. The night I met my husband–40 plus. years ago. I had given up on meeting anyone. We dated for seven years and were married for 21 years before he passed away .Your. book sounds great and I love the cover.

  2. Finding my soul mate and true love is a miracle I’m happy about every single day.

  3. The best thing that has ever happened to me is falling in love with a Sri Lankan after growing up in Germany and vowing never to choose an Asian husband. 😉 I do think it’s a miracle – and we’ve been happily married for over 7 years now.

  4. Has to be having children.

  5. my family

  6. A miracle in my life is cochlear implants. Two of my three kids have them and they’ve been so incredible for both. Just being able to have conversations with my daughter and knowing she understands what I’m saying is like “music to my ears.” 🙂

  7. Thanks for all the entries in the giveaway, Rafflecopter has chosen Laurice M as the winner! Laurice you have been contacted via email 🙂

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